Meet Cirocco – Never Had A Friend Like Her
Blue, talented in intellect, but a bit of an airhead in person, that’s the best way to describe Cirocco, our Air Genasi Arcane Trickster “Helper.” While she doesn’t take on your typical rogue characteristics in charisma or criminal activity, she makes up for it with her speed and smarts to support her traveling companions. One […]
Meet Arietta – Just Dumb Fun.
Pink, pink, and more pink. That’s the character I am currently playing in an international home-brew game called Weary Travelers. Arietta is a bouncy blond bombshell bard that is a mix of airhead, bubblegum, and pop music. It is really fun since this is the GM’s first time running a game. He originally played in […]
Meet Piety – A Heartbreaker Princess
My first official Dungeons and Dragons character fully rolled from scratch was Piety. She played in an international game called Ruins of Kelvaria – which was originally intended to be a YouTube series before drama enveloped the group. Regardless, her story ended up being pretty unique and she evolved way past my expectations playing in […]
These are some of the tools that I use to play games and make content. Feel to reach out to me if you have any questions or recommendations!