Blue, talented in intellect, but a bit of an airhead in person, that’s the best way to describe Cirocco, our Air Genasi Arcane Trickster “Helper.” While she doesn’t take on your typical rogue characteristics in charisma or criminal activity, she makes up for it with her speed and smarts to support her traveling companions. One traveling companion of course, she has bonded with a year before the campaign: the crusty old tiefling barbarian Rellik who is trying to manage her constant presence as well as his own surprising new magical abilities.
Currently, Cirocco’s backstory before Rellik’s is a mystery not only to her new companions, but to herself as well. So far all we know is that she has a an unfamiliar accent, enjoys meeting new people, and loves delicious food/drink. That is of course whenever Rellik allows her to indulge. Since the campaign just started, I can’t talk too much about her. When more is revealed as we progress into the game, we can really start picking her apart. At this point though, Cirocco will remain a magical enigma full of wonder and need to feel useful.
While we can’t get into backstory, we can get into why and how I built her. When I was first approached about joining the one shot that would be held in Laraven, the same world that Pip exists in. We knew that this one shot had the possibility of becoming a long term campaign, so when creating a character there needed to be a balance. The group itself needed a character with high intelligence to help counterbalance a more offensive line. I personally am still getting use to magic casting characters. I really loved my high intelligence artificer guest character Pip, but still struggled making sure I understood all the inner-workings. Also, as much fun as my bard Arietta is to play, trying to figure out how to balance her with the team was tricky. With this in mind, I was a bit skeptical in drawing up a wizard or a druid. I wanted something in between. That’s when I remembered, I never got to officially play my original arcane trickster. I thought that this would be a good way to help me not only learn how to be a better spell caster, but also a better ranged support member as well. At the time too, there was no other rogue – yes, a surprise to me too.
The arcane trickster rogue also was a good pick to complement Rellik’s character drawn up by my partner Blaine. This is his first real chance to play a campaign, so we wanted to make sure that my character could help out when needed as he figured out the mechanics of D&D. We decided on barbarian, because Blaine wanted a tank character, but we buffed him by taking the path of Wild Magic. We came up not only with two solid characters, but also a really unique and silly partial backstory to explain why we’re inseparable and how Rellik obtained his magic. It also gave me the excuse to finally pay a Genasis, something I really could figure out how to incorporate in other games.
With some imagination and a very agreeable GM, we was able to create a really fun and exciting characters to play with a group of first time adventurers. I can’t wait to tell her story and see how she evolves as she travels with the rest of the team over the continent of Laraven.
What do you think of her character so far? Would you do anything differently? If you were going to create a high intelligence character to support a group of new players looking to play D&D, how would you do it?
Air Genasi Rogue 5
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Background: Far Traveler
STR: 8 DEX:16 CON:14 INT: 17 WIS: 14 CHA: 11
Expert: Arcana & Stealth
Proficient: Acrobatics, Insight, Perception, Slight of Hand
Arcane Trickster
– Spellcasting
– Mage Hand Legerdemain
Feature: All Eyes On You
Special Skill: Annoying People (Not Official)
Weapons of Choice
– Rapier 1d8+3 w/Piercing
– Dagger X2 1d4 +3 w/Piercing
– Dagger X2 1d6 +3 w/Piercing
– Invoked Magic Armor – AC 11
Tools: Thieves Tools, Pan Flute
Personality Traits
- Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
- I have different assumptions from those around me concerning personal space, blithely invading others’ space in innocence, or reacting to ignorant invasion of my own.
- Adventure. I’m far from home, and everything is strange and wonderful! (Chaotic)
- I hold no greater cause than my service to my people.
- I have a weakness for the new intoxicants and other pleasures of this land.
- Cantrip: Gust, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
- 1st Level: Earth Tremor, False Life, Mage Armor, Tasha’s Caustic Brew
- 2nd Level: Pass Without A Trace, Lesser Restoration Darkness
- 3rd Level: Levitate
Notable Items
- Peach Pie
- Bag of Holding
- Rudimentary Map of the Route to Oasis