Pink, pink, and more pink. That’s the character I am currently playing in an international home-brew game called Weary Travelers. Arietta is a bouncy blond bombshell bard that is a mix of airhead, bubblegum, and pop music. It is really fun since this is the GM’s first time running a game. He originally played in Ruins in Kelvaria with me and I guess I didn’t annoy him enough so that he would ask me to join his game. So I made Arietta to finish the job. *EVIL CACKLE*
Since we are currently still playing the game, I can’t get into too much backstory so I don’t ruin the fun. This page will update as the character develops more and the party finds out about her past. With that being said, I can talk about her personality and who she is as a person.
At the beginning of the game we meet Arietta after she got kicked out of the Bard College she was studying in. When she was attending school though, she was a proud remember of the sorority house Upsi Lupsi Phi. That’s where she met her best friend Sylvie (Slyvia). She also found a great study partner and good friend Donavan after she helped beat some bullies off of him. Dumb luck would have it though, that she found herself going to school with her arch nemesis Vanessa Vina Valhallan.
Arietta wasn’t the smartest cookie and she preferred to do things her own way when it came to barding. While normally following a strict code of ethics and morals, she does occasionally bend them if she feels its needed to further a better cause. That’s exactly how she ended up getting kicked out in the first place: what’s a little MUI when your friends are in trouble? Maybe its because you don’t have any friends Master Gloria Bloom, hun, HUH?!
Now homeless and penniless, Arietta must figure out how to pay for college tuition now that she lost her scholarship. She also refuses to tell her parents about her current enrollment “problem” as to save face in the shadow of her perfect sister. That’s how she met her merry band of wear travelers. A collective group just trying to make coin by doing odd jobs and errands about the continent. Arietta jumped at the chance to earn some money, help the people, but most of all, rock out on her pink autoharp.
So far Arietta has helped a small town rid themselves of their Yedi problem, hunted a Blvark, saved a precious baby dragon princess, found and lost the most spectacular hat to the Hat Gang (curses!), fought a undead servants, a faced a lich witch and her troll, fished some vicious anglers out of the dark of caves, helped two mountain giant brothers reconnect, discovered an ancient underground city, saved her comrade from death with a little song, discovered a unicorn, and last but not least – fought some cave penises. WEHW!!
Currently Arietta and the gang are helping their teammate investigate why he is wanted for murder to help clear his name. Along he way they are learning more about each other and discovering their place in the world – of course as Arietta rocks it out along the way.

Aasimar Bard Lvl 6
Alignment: Lawful Good
Background: Redacted
STR: 8 DEX:12 CON:12 INT: 9 WIS: 12 CHA: 20
Expert: Acrobatics & Persuasion
Proficient: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Performance, Stealth
– Common
– Celestial
– Draconic
College of Lore
– Cutting Words
– Additional Magical Secrets
Weapons of Choice
– Rapier 1d6 w/Piercing +3
– Dagger 1d8+1d6 w/Bludgeoning & Cold +4
– Autoharp – Inspiration
– Leather Armor – AC 15
Tools: Beer Pong
Personality Traits
- I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood.
- Redacted
- Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family.
- Redacted
- I will face any challenge to win the approval of my family.
- Redacted
- I’m horribly jealous of anyone who outshines my handiwork. Everywhere I go, I’m surrounded by rivals.
- Redacted
*Redacted – Hidden backstory that could influence players choices.
- Cantrip: Cure WoundsLight, Vicious Mockery, Message, Dancing Lights, Eldritch Blast
- 1st Level: Cure Wounds, Dissonant Whispers, Thunderwave
- 2nd Level: Cloud Daggers, Crown of Madness, Hold Person
- 3rd Level: Tiny Hut, Aura of Vitality, Hypnotic Pattern
Notable Items
- Old Halloween Costume “Sexy Barbarian”
- Porous Rock
- Silk Panties made by Cacao
- Rooper tooth
- Pretty Cave Mushroom
- Luminous Body Paint
- Magic Talking Cloak