My first official Dungeons and Dragons character fully rolled from scratch was Piety. She played in an international game called Ruins of Kelvaria – which was originally intended to be a YouTube series before drama enveloped the group.
Regardless, her story ended up being pretty unique and she evolved way past my expectations playing in a home-brew RPG sandbox. The best way to describer her? Well before there was Kylo Ren, I would say Piety would be the real child of Han Solo and Princess Leia – and she was shredded. As a multi-classing Ranger/Rogue, she did what she had to do to save her kingdom, even if she did have unconventional ways of doing it *cough* befriending and taming an Aboleth *cough.*
Piety started off as a mostly drunk ranger with commitment issues, loathing children, and basically someone not found of making attachments. On the flip side though, she sought everyone’s approval and tried to gain as many allies (or lovers) as possible.
She started the game off not having any memories of her past and the majority of the Season One arch was us trying to figure out who we were, what was happening, and who we needed to fight. She did grow an unwarranted crush on a party member named James, but ultimately lost him when he sacrificed his life to save another party member. This loss hit her pretty hard and made her start to turn inward. Toward the end of Season One, Piety does eventually find out she was actually a Princess and beholden to inheriting the crown. This was a less than ideal to her as she always dreamed of being free.
Later in Season Two she ended up picking up her Rogue class and the Lucky Feat. The trade-off though was adding her new one night stand to the party permanently, a bard named Remi. She spent the rest of the season spurring his advances of commitment, even though he came close to conversion several times. Her real development was inspired and influenced by another new team add whose dedication to saving his family help her realize the weight of her responsibilities she had the kingdom. Vergil also just in general had a nasty habit of influencing her moral compass toward good. Her biggest moral dilemma came to her when she was able to resurrect James and bring him back to the plane of the living. His presence impacted her and Remi’s already strained relationship. Toward the end of the season she felt the need to sacrifice her happiness in a relationship with Remi to ensure his safety and for justice of her kingdom while also keeping James as a friend as to not complicate matters.
Season Three she finally start to get better at acting like a leader and a princess, though it wasn’t with out its bumps. Her biggest accomplishments were learning political diplomacy while also trying to wrangle the rest of the party. She did start having some serious PSTD from a few bad battles and nightmares which eventually made her shut down during the final battle with one of the main villains. This behavior made her question her own leadership. When it was time to rebuild the kingdom after suffering major losses from attack, Piety renounced her title and gave the kingdom back to the people to govern themselves.
Piety played a more supportive role in Season Four as she was helping other characters find their way. She did have a bit of a heartbreak after learning that Remi found happiness with a new lover. Luckily, she had other members of the party she could confide her struggles to, such as her now endearing Aboleth Maximus. They eventually become family to each other and form a psychic bond that allowed them both to assist the team. A relationship with James also started to blossom slowly into something real through letters and friendly conversations. By the end of the game, Piety grew into a healthy independent woman who was able to live the rest of her life in her treehouse helping her kingdom as a regular citizen.
Piety was a lot of fun to play and really hard to say good bye to at the end of the campaign. I never wanted her adventure to stop. I hope someday that I can do a few one shots with her, but I am happy that I could share her with you. Bellow is Piety’s character build. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
But most importantly – what do you think of her?

Teifling Ranger 10/Rogue 5
Alignment: Chaotic Good/BCD*-Chaotic Neutral
Background: Criminal/Smuggler
STR: 16 DEX:14 CON:13 INT: 14 WIS: 13 CHA: 16
Expert: Persuasion & Stealth
Proficient: Animal Handling, Athletic, Deception, Investigation, Perception
– Favored Enemy: Aberrations & Beasts
– Natural Explorer – Urban, Swamp, & Forest
– Archetype: Hunter
– Hunter’s Prey: Horde Breaker
– Fancy Footwork
– Rakish Audacity
– Mage Apprentice – Magical carvings etched into Piety’s horns
– Lucky – A very fun one night stand
Special Skill: Charm 😉
Weapons of Choice
– Shortsword 1d6 w/Piercing +3
– Ironwood Shortsword 1d8+1d6 w/Bludgeoning & Cold +4
– Dirge of the Dance 1d10+5 w/Slashing+Necrotic +5
– Longbow 1d8 w/Piercing +2
– Embedder Longbow 1d10 w/Piercing +2
– Gilded Crossbow 1d6
– Glamoured Leather – AC 15
– Magical Leather Boots
Tools: Weavers Tools
Personality Traits
- I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.
- BCD – I don’t pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell me the odds.
- There’s a spark of good in everyone.
- BCD – People. I’m loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care.
- Family is more than just blood, it is the people you learn to love along the way.
- Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made. That will never happen again.
- BCD – Something important was taken from me, and I aim to steal it back. (Piety got her horns back)
- I want what I can’t have.
- BCD – If there’s a plan. I’ll forget it. If I don’t forget it, I’ll ignore it.
*BCD: Before Character Development
- Cantrip: Thaumaturgy, Darkness, Lightning Lure, Mould Earth
- 1st Level: Hunter’s Mark, Burning Hands, Find Familiar, Speak with Animals
- 2nd Level: Pass Without A Trace, Lesser Restoration Darkness
- 3rd Level: Lightning Arrow, Nondetection
Notable Items
- World’s Best Daughter Cup
- Bead of the Void & Void Arrow
- A small marble circlet.
- Remi Jr. Escape Robot
- Birth Certificate – Chester the Eldridge Abomination
- Black Demonlin Pendant
- Grammies Garments Pamphlets
- Spider Silk Cloak by Grammie’s Garments, Smells like Cookies
- Black cabbage